"I love it when someone looks at my books or videos and says 'Wow! That's easy — I can do that!' Or, 'You know what, I used to do that — I am going to start doing that again from now on!' What a great feeling to know that I helped!" Susie Galvez
"When I decided to buy my day spa, I read everything that I could get my hands on; visited as many spas and salons as I possibly could; attended trade shows all over the US and Europe; enjoyed as many different spa treatments as my skin would allow; and had the priceless opportunity to meet with the most successful Spa and Salon Owners, Dermatologists, and Plastic Surgeons from all over the US who were gracious enough to share their success stories! Wow! I feel like I now have a PH.D in Spa!" Susie Galvez
Without a doubt, learning how to do what you don't know — or even if you do know — but want to learn more, is the quickest way to be at the top of your beauty game, be it for personal enhancement or as a professional who wants to share it with others, here are my personal tips, thoughts, and ideas for beauty success. I invite you to add a little extra beauty to your life!
For personal beauty
Price: $12.95
You are so going to thank me for this...
It's easy to be beautiful...once you know the tricks!
You want to look and feel beautiful, but as you struggle to manage your career, the kids, friends, exercising…and more, who has time? And if you're not a perfect "10" (which applies to all of us), you may not be sure how to fix your particular beauty dilemmas. If only you knew easy ways to be your beautiful best in a snap. Now you do!
Inspired by her own story of a beauty-blunder-fixing stranger who saved the day for her at the Detroit airport, Susie Galvez, international beauty expert, is here to help you fix your beauty dilemmas and navigate all of the beauty myths out there to find the tips and techniques that will help you be your most beautiful. You'll learn:
- Why your smartphone might not be so smart for your skin.
- How sandpaper and a plastic pillbox can be your new BFF beauty tool.
- The answer to why your sudden skin breakout may very well be found in your laundry room.
- What to do before going to sleep to wake up without bed-head hair.
- Why your fragrance could be forever fading fast and how to make it last.
Unlike the traditional prim and proper beauty books, You Are So Going to Thank Me for This offers a modern voice with the tone of a pithy girlfriend who also happens to be an international beauty expert who tells it like it really is-what's good, what's bad, and what is downright ugly-like only a good and true friend would.
Price: $37.00
Perfect Every Time - Flawless Makeup Application Video Consumer Version
Most clients only dream about applying makeup so that it looks like a professional did the job. Now you can make that dream come true each and every day with this exciting, easy to follow, how-to video. Your clients can get up close and personal as Beauty Expert Susie Galvez shares how to:
- Correct and conceal under eye circles and unsightly blemishes
- BLEND foundation PERFECTLY, every time
- Apply blush that won't rub off during the day
- Create alluring lips
- And much more!
Stock some of these videos in your spa today and make your client's "flawless fantasy" a tangible reality.
For professionals
Price: $24.95
Does your salon or spa need some inspiration? Check out InSPArations, a lively little how-to book created especially for salon/spa owners and managers. InSPArations has 187 simple ideas, quick tips and timely techniques that can easily be incorporated into your business and help you achieve greater client satisfaction, generate employee excitement and increase revenue potential. Find out specifically how you can . . .
- Control cost and streamline spa operations
- Make sure your client remembers their visit long after it's over
- Increase bottom line profits
- Sell MORE retail with LESS effort
- Learn what words work when introducing clients to home care products
- Create exclusive, signature treatments for your spa
- Develop cost-effective promotions that keep clients coming back for more
- Execute media and marketing PLANS that GET RESULTS
- And much, much more!
InSPArations has already helped hundreds of spa and salon owners breathe new life into their businesses. Read on to learn what some people are saying about it.
"Boy was my spa in need of some InSPAration! Your book arrived at just the right time. I can not thank you enough for all of your great ideas! Please write a sequel!!"
Susan Thompson, Owner Spa Elite, PA
"Working with Susie on some of her in-spa promotions was fun, informative and highly successful."
Judith Ann Graham, author, MY BRIDE GUIDE, former Miss New York State (Miss America Organization)
Don't miss this opportunity to inject YOUR spa or salon with a serious shot of inspiration! Get your copy of InSPArations today!
Price: $37.00
Perfect Every Time — Flawless Makeup Application video Professional Version
In this exclusive and exciting video, you learn the latest in professional makeup application and most importantly — how to teach your clients to apply their own makeup flawlessly, each and every time! The makeup lesson contains 14 easy to understand steps designed to help you increase your makeup sales — and to help your client achieve makeup application confidence.
Learn how to instruct, validate, and encourage your client to look her best each and every day — not just on spa day! See how to accentuate her best features, using products that you sell.
"I had the great privilege to see you teach this class in Miami — it was totally worth the cost of the entire convention! I bought the video and now I take a 'refresher course' whenever I want to! Thank you for wonderful ideas!"
Noel Akins, Esthetician and Makeup Artist
Discover how to make sure your client 'gets it' so that you get a client for a lifetime.